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/ GameStar 2006 February / Gamestar_81_2006-02_dvd.iso / Programy / PicaJetInstall.exe / {app} / Languages / english.ini < prev    next >
INI File  |  2005-11-12  |  73KB  |  1,855 lines

  1. [Options]
  2. Language=USA English
  3. National=
  4. Author=Sally Peck
  5. HomePage=www.vizacc.com
  6. Code=EN
  7. Version=
  9. [Buttons]
  10. bOK=&OK
  11. bYes=&Yes
  12. bNo=&No
  13. bCancel=&Cancel
  14. bOverwrite=Overwrite
  15. bSkip=Skip
  16. bAbort=&Abort
  17. bRetry=&Retry
  18. bIgnore=&Ignore
  19. bAll=&All
  20. bNoToAll=N&o to All
  21. bYesToAll=&Yes to All
  22. bHelp=&Help
  23. bWarning=Warning
  24. bError=Error
  25. bInformation=Information
  26. bConfirm=Confirm
  27. bConfirmation=Confirmation
  28. bApplyToAll=Apply to All
  29. bMerge=Merge
  30. bDetails=Details
  31. bReplace=Replace
  32. bRename=&Rename
  33. bSaveAs=Save As
  34. bReset=Reset
  35. bClose=Close
  36. bFinish=Finish
  37. bSave=Save
  38. bSend=Send
  39. bMinimize=Mi&nimize
  40. bMaximize=Ma&ximize
  41. bRestore=&Restore
  42. bMinimizetoTray=Minimize to &Tray
  43. bRollUp=Ro&llUp
  45. [CommonItems]
  46. Caption=&Caption
  47. Rating=&Rating
  48. Date=&Date
  49. QuickFilter=&Quick Edit
  50. ImportedDate=&Imported Time
  51. Filetype=&Format (JPEG, BMP...)
  52. Filename=File &Name
  53. Location=&Location
  54. ImageSize=Ima&ge Size
  55. DPI=D&PI
  56. FileSize=File &Size (kB)
  57. Make=Camera &Vendor
  58. CameraModel=Camera &Model
  59. FNumber=F-Num&ber
  60. ISOSpeedRatings=ISO Speed R&atings
  61. ExposureTime=Exposure &Time
  62. ExposureProgram=Expos&ure Program
  63. Flash=Flas&h
  64. FocalLength=Focal L&ength
  65. EXIFDate=E&XIF Date
  67. [Strings]
  68. AskCheckUpdates=Do you wish check updates?
  69. UnableClearDatabase=Unable to clear database. Please restart PicaJet and try again.
  70. Print_MissingFiles=The specified file(s) are missing!
  71. AMViewer_InvalidWIADevice=Invalid WIA device
  72. AMViewer_CannotInitializeImport=Cannot initialize import.
  73. uUpdate_Downloading=Downloading update (%s of %s)
  74. uUpdate_NoUpdates=No updates available.
  75. uUpdate_Version=Available version
  76. uOptions_DeleteTools=Do you want to delete this section?
  77. uOptions_ToolsExsists=This section already exists! Do you want to overwrite it?
  78. ImportFiles_Applications=Applications
  79. Undefined_Caption=Undefined
  80. Unregistered_Caption=UNREGISTERED
  81. SpecialThanks_Caption=Special thanks
  82. MainForm_ArrangeAllCategs=&Arrange All Categories
  83. MainForm_ArrangeSubCategs=&Arrange Sub-Categories
  84. MainForm_SortCategories=Do you want to sort all categories?
  85. MainForm_Description=New description
  86. MainForm_DescriptionSigle=Description for selected images
  87. MainForm_DescriptionMulti=New description for %d images
  88. MainForm_DescribeCaption=Image Description
  89. About_Licensed=Licensed to:
  90. About_LicenseNumber=Registration Key:
  92. About_LicenseType=License type:
  93. FeatureSuggest_MessageBody=Hi PicaJet Development Team!; ; ;I wish to make a feature request for PicaJet:; ;;
  94. Usershot_MessageBody=Hi PicaJet Development Team!; ; ;I want to publish my PicaJet screenshot on your website.; ; Please, fill in these fields:; ;Name: ;Occupation: ;Country: ;
  95. About_Version=Version %s (Build %s)
  96. AMCaption_ExpandCaption=Show EXIF...
  97. AMCaption_CollapseCaption=Hide EXIF...
  98. AMCaptionOrder_DeleteOrder=Delete Captions Order...
  99. AMCaptionOrder_SaveOrder=Save Captions Order...
  100. AMCaptionOrder_Delete=Delete
  101. AMCaptionOrder_Default=Default
  102. AMCategHistory_LocateBy=Locate by:
  103. AMCategInfoBar_RemoveLink=Remove link from
  104. RenameDialog_Caption=Rename File
  105. RenameDialog_NewFilename=New Filename
  106. AMDriveList_Desktop=Desktop
  107. AMDriveList_Neighbourhood=Neighbourhood
  108. AMGLObjects_LocationAt=Location at
  109. AMGLObjects_FormatFileIs=File Format is
  110. AMGLObjects_AuthorIs=Author is
  111. AMGLObjects_CreatedOn=Created on
  112. AMGLObjects_ModifiedOn=Modified on
  113. AMGLObjects_ImportedOn=Imported on
  114. AMGLObjects_Shootby=Taken On
  115. AMGLObjects_RatingIs=Rating -
  116. AMGLObjects_EXIFDateIs=Shoot on
  117. AMPropertyInspector_Format=Format :
  118. AMPropertyInspector_PrintSize=Print Size :
  119. AMPropertyInspector_Created=Created :
  120. AMPropertyInspector_Modified=Modified :
  121. AMPropertyInspector_Imported=Imported :
  122. AMPropertyInspector_EXIFDesc=EXIF Description :
  123. Global_ImgDim=%d x %d x %db
  124. Global_DPI=%d DPI
  125. AMPropertyInspector_ClickToChange=Click to change
  126. AMPropertyInspector_QuickDeleteTip=or Use Alt + MouseClick
  127. AMPropertyInspector_RemoveAll=Remove all links from this item
  128. AMPropertyInspector_RemoveLinks=Remove links
  129. AMPropertyInspector_RemoveLink=Remove link from
  130. AMPropertyInspector_DeleteFormat=%s "%s",
  131. AMQuickFilter_ImageSimp=Image Simplicity
  132. AMQuickFilter_FilterBy=Filter By
  133. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_USER_ABORT=User cancelled request
  134. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_FAILURE=General MAPI failure
  135. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILURE=Logon failure
  136. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_DISK_FULL=Disk is full
  137. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY=Insufficient memory
  138. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED=Access denied
  139. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS=Too many sessions
  140. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_FILES=Too many files open
  141. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS=Too many recipients
  142. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND=Attachment not found
  143. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_OPEN_FAILURE=Failed to open attachment
  144. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_FAILURE=Failed to write attachment
  145. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT=Unknown recipient
  146. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_BAD_RECIPTYPE=Invalid recipient type
  147. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_NO_MESSAGES=No messages
  148. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_INVALID_MESSAGE=Invalid message
  149. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE=Text too large.
  150. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_INVALID_SESSION=Invalid session
  151. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED=Type not supported
  152. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT=Ambiguous recipient
  153. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_MESSAGE_IN_USE=Message in use
  154. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_NETWORK_FAILURE=Network failure
  155. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_INVALID_EDITFIELDS=Invalid edit fields
  156. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_INVALID_RECIPS=Invalid recipients
  157. AMSendMail_MAPI_E_NOT_SUPPORTED=Not supported
  158. AMSendMail_UnknownError=Unknown Error Code: %d
  159. AMSendto_Min=minutes
  160. AMSendto_Sec=seconds
  161. AMSendto_SizeAndTime=Total size: %s ~ %s at 56k
  162. AMSendto_SplitterBody=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  163. AMSendto_Advertisement=PicaJet, The Best Photo Organizing
  164. AMSendto_Subject=New pictures from PicaJet for you
  165. AMSendto_NoFolder=The folder does not exist. Do you want to create this folder?
  166. AMSendto_ProgressText=d of %d
  167. AMSendMobile_CustomText=<Custom>
  168. AMTimeLine_AllPictures=Years
  169. AMTreeView_DefaultUnnamed=Unnamed
  170. AMTreeView_DefaultTextBox=Enter Category Name
  171. AMTreeView_InvalidCategory=This category(s) cannot be deleted!
  172. AMTreeView_AskForDeleting=Do you really want to remove %s from all images?
  173. AMTreeView_AskForDeleting2=Do you really want to remove these %s categories from all images?
  174. AMTreeView_DublicateCategoryName=This node already has the category "%s". Please try another name.
  175. AMTreeView_AskForMoving=Are you sure you want to move these categories?
  176. AMuProgress_ImageProperties=%dx%dx%db %d bytes
  177. AMUtils_NoGroup=None
  178. AMUtils_ImageSimilarity=Image Similarity
  179. AMUtils_Categories=Categories
  180. AMUtils_Name=File Name
  181. AMUtils_ReadOnly=Read Only
  182. AMUtils_Type=Type
  183. AMUtils_Location=Location
  184. AMUtils_FileSize=File Size (kB)
  185. AMUtils_Size=Image Size
  186. AMUtils_Size=Type
  187. AMUtils_PrintSize=Print Size
  188. AMUtils_Format=Format (JPEG, BMP...)
  189. AMUtils_Author=Author
  190. AMUtils_DPI=DPI
  191. AMUtils_CrDate=Created Date
  192. AMUtils_MdDate=Modified Date
  193. AMUtils_CompressRatio=Compression Ratio
  194. AMUtils_ImDate=Imported Time
  195. AMUtils_Invisible=Invisible
  196. AMUtils_ImDesc=Image Description
  197. AMUtils_Title=Title
  198. AMUtils_Make=Camera Vendor
  199. AMUtils_Model=Camera Model
  200. AMUtils_FNumber=F-Number
  201. AMUtils_ISO=ISO Speed Ratings
  202. AMUtils_ExposureTime=Exposure Time
  203. AMUtils_ExposureProgram=Exposure Program
  204. AMUtils_Flash=Flash
  205. AMUtils_FocalLength=Focal Length
  206. AMUtils_QuickFilter=Quick Edit
  207. AMUtils_Rating=Rating
  208. AMUtils_Caption=Caption
  209. AMUtils_Date=Date
  210. AMUtils_EXIFDate=EXIF Date
  211. AMUtils_FormatUnknown=Unknown type
  212. AMUtils_FormatTIFF=TIFF image
  213. AMUtils_FormatGIF=GIF image
  214. AMUtils_FormatJPEG=JPEG image
  215. AMUtils_FormatPCX=PCX image
  216. AMUtils_FormatBMP=BMP image
  217. AMUtils_FormatICO=ICO image
  218. AMUtils_FormatCUR=CUR image
  219. AMUtils_FormatPNG=PNG image
  220. AMUtils_FormatWMF=WMF image
  221. AMUtils_FormatEMF=EMF image
  222. AMUtils_FormatTGA=TGA image
  223. AMUtils_FormatPXM=PXM image
  224. AMUtils_FormatJP2=JP2 image
  225. AMUtils_FormatJ2K=J2K image
  226. AMUtils_FormatUSER=USER image
  227. AMUtils_FormatAVI=AVI movie
  228. AMUtils_FormatQT=Quick Time movie
  229. AMUtils_FormatMPEG=MPEG movie
  230. AMUtils_FormatWMV=Windows Video movie
  231. AMUtils_FormatMPEG2=MPEG-2 movie
  232. AMUtils_FormatMPEG4=MPEG-4 movie
  233. AMUtils_FormatPSD=PSD image
  234. AMUtils_FormatPCD=PCD image
  235. AMUtils_FormatFAX=FAX image
  236. AMUtils_FormatCUT=CUT image
  237. AMUtils_FormatRAW=Camera RAW image
  238. AMUtils_FormatDNG=DNG image
  239. AMUtils_ColorsUnknown=Unknown
  240. AMUtils_Colors1=2 Colors (1 bit)
  241. AMUtils_Colors4=16 Colors (4 bit)
  242. AMUtils_Colors8=256 Colors (8 bit)
  243. AMUtils_Colors16=High Color (16 bit)
  244. AMUtils_Colors24=True Color (24 bit)
  245. AMUtils_Colors32=True Color (32 bit)
  246. AMUtils_Colors48=True Color (48 bit)
  247. AMUtils_ImageDim=Image Dimension
  248. AMUtils_ErrorCreatingFolder=Cannot create this folder.
  249. AMUtils_bytes=bytes
  250. AMUtils_Kbytes=KB
  251. AMUtils_Mbytes=MB
  252. AMUtils_ManualControl=Manual control
  253. AMUtils_Normal=Normal
  254. AMUtils_Aperture=Aperture priority
  255. AMUtils_Shutter=Shutter priority
  256. AMUtils_Creative=Program creative
  257. AMUtils_Action=Program action
  258. AMUtils_Portrait=Portrait mode
  259. AMUtils_Landscape=Landscape mode
  260. AMUtils_CustomMode=Custom mode
  261. AMUtils_FlashOff=Flash off
  262. AMUtils_FlashFired=Fired
  263. AMUtils_FlashEnforceFired=Enforcement fired
  264. AMUtils_FlashDidntFired=Did not fire
  265. AMUtils_MM=mm
  266. AMViewer_AskForUnassigning=Remove categories from all of these images?
  267. AMViewer_NoRating=Not (Yet) Rated
  268. AMViewer_MessageFileName=The file:
  269. AMViewer_MessageDoesNotExsist=has been deleted or has been moved to another location
  270. AMViewer_Loading=Loading...
  271. AMViewer_ProgressText=%d of %d
  272. AMViewer_CannotPerformOperation=Cannot perform this operation
  273. AMViewer_ShowAllCategory=All files
  274. AMViewer_UnAssigningCategory=Unassigned
  275. AMViewer_UnknownDevice=Unknown (device):
  276. AMViewer_Removable=Removable disk labeled "%s"
  277. AMViewer_HardDisk=Hard disk labeled "%s"
  278. AMViewer_NetworkDisk=Network disk labeled "%s"
  279. AMViewer_CDDVD=CD/DVD labeled "%s"
  280. AMViewer_RamDisk=RAM disk labeled "%s"
  281. AMViewer_Searching=Searching...
  283. AMViewer_EmptyAlbum=There are no items assigned to the selected categories.
  284. AMViewer_EmptyAlbum2=choose "Show All" to reveal them.
  285. AMViewer_EmptyWorkSpace=Drag and drop images, movies or folders here,
  286. AMViewer_EmptyWorkSpace2=Or choose "Add Images" to add media files to this album.
  288. AMViewer_Processing=Processing...
  289. AMViewer_Updating=Updating...
  290. AMViewer_PleaseWait=Please, wait...
  291. AMDialogs_ChooseMAPI=Choose a mail client
  292. AMDialogs_AlwaysAskClient=Always choose mail client before sending
  293. AMDialogs_DefaultClient=%s (Default)
  294. AMDialogs_SavingPicture=Saving image...
  295. AMDialogs_CopyCaption=Copy
  296. AMDialogs_CopingPicture=Copying image...
  297. AMDialogs_CropCaption=Crop
  298. AMDialogs_CropingPicture=Cropping images...
  299. AMDialogs_Wallpapper=Wallpaper
  300. AMDialogs_SettingWallPapper=Setting wallpapper...
  301. AMDialogs_LinksRecovery=Recovery
  302. AMDialogs_RecoveringLinks=Recovering categories links...
  303. AMDialogs_RemoveOriginalsCaption=Originals
  304. AMDialogs_RemovingOriginals=Removing originals...
  305. AMDialogs_ReverttoOriginalsCaption=Originals
  306. AMDialogs_RevertingtoOriginals=Reverting to originals...
  307. AMDialogs_AskReadOnly=This file is marked as read-only! Do you really want to delete this file?
  308. AMDialogs_ProgressText=%d of %d
  309. AMDialogs_PrintCaption=Print
  310. AMDialogs_Printing=Printing page(s)...
  311. MessageErrorDetected=Error detected. Would you like send bug report to PicaJet support team? Thank you.
  312. msgOperationCannotBeUndone=This operation cannot be undone. Continue?
  313. msgTrialUsage=If you want to use PicaJet after this %d days you must be register
  314. msgTrialDaysLeft=You have %d days left
  315. Convert_FileSheet=Converted
  316. Convert_ProgressText=%d of %d
  317. DlgDelete_DeletingCaption=Deleting...
  318. DlgDelete_AskForDelete=Remove this item from the current album?
  319. DlgDelete_AskForDelete2=Remove this item from the category: "%s"?
  320. DlgDelete_AskForDeleteItems=Remove %d items from the current album?
  321. DlgDelete_AskForDeleteItems2=Remove %d items from the category: "%s"?
  322. ImageSize_MM=mm
  323. ImageSize_FileSheet=Resized
  324. Edit_FileSheet=Edited
  325. ImageSize_ProgressText=%d of %d
  326. Import_NoCamerasFound=No Digital Cameras were found
  327. Import_NoCDDVDFound=No CD/DVD drives were found
  328. ImportFiles_AskForScan=Would you like to scan the entire computer?
  329. ImportFiles_AskForDigitalCamera=You are importing files from a removable drive, perhaps it is a digital camera. Would you like to copy files from it?
  330. ImportFiles_AllSupportedFormats=All supported media files
  331. ImportFiles_AllFiles=All files
  332. MainForm_NothingToImport1=The file(s) or folder(s) selected to import did not contain any
  333. MainForm_NothingToImport2=supported file types, or the files are already in this Album.
  334. Mailto_Processing=processing ...
  335. Mailto_Tuning=Optimize
  336. Mailto_ProgressText=%d of %d
  337. Mailto_Calculating=Calculating...
  338. Mailto_Pictures=images
  339. SaveAs_AskForOverwrite=The file already exists! Do you want to overwrite it?
  340. SaveAs_SupportedTypes=All supported media files
  341. SaveAs_AllFiles=All files
  342. Sendto_InvalidPath=Make sure that the path is entered correctly!
  343. Sendto_InvalidSymbol=A filename cannot contain any of the following characters
  344. Sendto_InvalidDriveSymbol=" : " symbol is allowed only as drive name par
  345. Sendto_ProgressCaption=Progress
  346. Sendto_ProgressText=%d of %d
  347. MainForm_SearchCaption=Search
  348. MainForm_ViewCaption=View
  349. MainForm_BrowseCaption=Browse
  350. MainForm_ChooseProgram=Choose Program...
  351. MainForm_DefineExternalTools=Define External Tools...
  353. MainForm_StatusBarCount=%d of %d
  354. MainForm_ZoomFitImage=Fit Image
  355. MainForm_ZoomRealSize=Real Size
  356. MainForm_ZoomFullScreen=Full Screen
  357. MainForm_Pixels=px
  358. MainForm_AskForEmpty=Do you want to clear the database?
  359. MainForm_AskForClearImage=Clear the image database?
  360. MainForm_SendToEMail=&E-mail...
  361. MainForm_SendToFolder=&Folder...
  362. MainForm_SendToMobile=&Mobile Phone...
  363. MainForm_Apply=Apply
  364. MainForm_NothingSelected=Nothing is selected
  365. MainForm_Pictures=images
  366. MainForm_Searching=Searching...
  367. MainForm_Loading=Loading...
  368. MainForm_DeletingProgressText=%d of %d
  369. MainForm_RemoveLink=Remove link from
  370. MainForm_CropFreeSize=Free Size
  371. MainForm_CropUsePictureRatio=Use Image Ratio
  372. MainForm_CropRotated=Rotated
  373. MainForm_GotoTheCategory=Go to the
  374. MainForm_InvalidImport=Nothing to import or the files are already in the album
  375. MainForm_ImportReport=%d image(s) imported
  376. MainForm_AskForCreate=Folder does not exist! Create?
  377. MainForm_CreateLabel=Create folder
  378. MainForm_SlideShowInterval=%d sec
  379. MainForm_SlideShowExitBtnHint=Exit from Slide Show
  380. MainForm_SlideShowExitBtnCaption=Back
  381. MainForm_SlideShowPlayMusic=Play music
  382. MainForm_SlideShowCustomizeMusic=Customize...
  383. SlideShow_Transitions_OneByOne=One By One
  384. SlideShow_Transitions_RandomOrder=Random Order
  385. SlideShow_Transitions_OnlySelected=Only Selected
  386. SlideShow_Transition_Fade=Fade
  387. SlideShow_Transition_SpecEffects=Trick Effects
  388. SlideShow_Transition_Smelt=Smelt
  389. SlideShow_Transition_Blocks=Blocks
  390. SlideShow_Transition_Circle=Circle
  391. SlideShow_Transition_Diagonal=Diagonal
  392. SlideShow_Transition_Drip=Drip
  393. SlideShow_Transition_FlickerFree=Flicker Cut Free
  394. SlideShow_Transition_Fuse=Fuse
  395. SlideShow_Transition_Interlaced=Interlaced
  396. SlideShow_Transition_Push=Push
  397. SlideShow_Transition_Radial=Radial
  398. SlideShow_Transition_Roll=Roll
  399. SlideShow_Transition_Slide=Slide
  400. SlideShow_Transition_Waterfall=Waterfall
  401. SlideShow_Transition_Wipe=Wipe
  402. MainForm_AskForCancelImport=The current import is not finished yet! Cancel operation?
  403. MainForm_CancelImport=Cancel operation
  404. MainForm_GeneratingThumbsProgress=Updating... ( %d of %d )
  405. MainForm_ImportingProgress=Importing (%d of %d complete)
  406. MainForm_AskForDublicateCategory=This category already has the subcategory "%s"! What would you like to do?
  407. MainForm_DublicateCategory=Duplicate category name
  408. MainForm_QuickFilterName=Quick Edit :
  409. MainForm_RatingName=Rating :
  410. MainForm_NoImages=No images
  411. MainForm_NoSelection=%d image(s)
  412. MainForm_SameSelection=%d selected of %d image(s)
  413. MainForm_SingleSelection=%d of %d image(s)
  414. MainForm_PrintSizeDPI=%s x %s mm (%d dpi)
  415. MainForm_PrintSize=%s x %s mm
  416. MainForm_PrintSizeDPIIn=%s x %s inches (%d dpi)
  417. MainForm_PrintSizeIn=%s x %s inches
  418. MainForm_DublicateFileName=Duplicate file name
  419. MainForm_CannotRenameFile=Cannot rename file
  420. MainForm_FileAlreadyExsist=%s already is exists
  421. MainForm_Renaming=Renaming...
  422. MainForm_NoItems=No images
  423. MainForm_NotRated=Not (Yet) Rated
  424. MainForm_AskForDeleteOriginals=Do you wish to delete the original files of the selected images?
  425. MainForm_DeleteOriginalsCaption=Removing originals
  426. MainForm_AskForRevertMulti=Do you wish to revert to the original files of the selected images?
  427. MainForm_AskForRevert=Do you wish to revert to the original file of the selected image?
  428. MainForm_CouldntRevert=Could not revert to original
  429. MainForm_RevertOriginalCaption=Reverting to originals
  430. MainForm_AssignProgress=Assigning categories
  431. MainForm_DeletingCategoriesProgress=Deleting categories
  432. Print_Pages=%d of %d
  433. Print_SizeCM=Size (cm):
  434. Print_SizeInches=Size (inches):
  435. Print_MarginsCM=Margins (cm):
  436. Print_MarginsInches=Margins (inches):
  437. Print_FitToPage=Fit to Page
  438. Print_CustomSize=Custom Size...
  439. Print_CM=cm
  440. Print_Inches=""
  441. Print_FileNotAvaliable=The specified file is not available
  442. Print_ResolutionWarning=The resolution is too low for high-quality printing
  443. Print_ContactSheet=Contact Sheet
  444. Options_InvalidDirectory=The directory does not exist!
  445. Options_ErrorSettingClient=Error setting default mail client
  446. Options_AskForReset=Reset all settings to default?
  447. Options_ErrorShell=Unable to change the shell integration!
  448. Import_AddingFromShell=Adding from the shell...
  449. Import_AskForAddingFromShell=Do you wish to add some files from the shell?
  450. Options_AskForClearingCaption=Clear the database? All data will be lost!
  451. Options_AskForClearing=Do you really want to clear database?
  452. Options_DefaultSkin=Default
  453. AMDialogs_Optimize=Optimize
  454. AMDialogs_Optimizing=Optimizing the database...
  455. MainForm_ErrorOpenDB=Unable to open the database!
  456. MainForm_ErrorAccessDB=Database is read only!
  457. MainForm_ErrorRecoveryDB=Cannot recovery database. Restart the program and select another database.
  458. MainForm_ContinueOpen=What do you wish?
  459. MainForm_AskForNewDB=Create the new database?
  460. MainForm_CautionNewDB=All data will be lost!
  461. AMViewer_BadIstalliation=Application files are missing. Please reinstall the program.
  462. AMTreeView_AskForDeleteChildren=The category "%s" has children! Do you wish to delete all of them?
  463. BatchRename_None=None
  464. BatchRename_CustomText=Custom Text
  465. BatchRename_Counter=# Counter
  466. BatchRename_Date=Date
  467. BatchRename_DateA=Date A (dd.mm.yyyy)
  468. BatchRename_DateA1=Date A (ddmmyyyy)
  469. BatchRename_DateB=Date B (mm.dd.yy)
  470. BatchRename_DateB1=Date B (mmddyy)
  471. BatchRename_DateC=Date C (mm.dd.yyyy)
  472. BatchRename_DateC1=Date C (mmddyyyy)
  473. BatchRename_DateD=Date D (yyyy.mm.dd)
  474. BatchRename_DateD1=Date D (yyyymmdd)
  475. BatchRename_DateE=Date E (yyyy.mm.dd (hh.nn))
  476. BatchRename_DateE1=Date E (yyyymmddhhnn)
  477. BatchRename_InvalidFile=<Invalid file name>
  478. BatchRename_OriginalFile=Original File Name
  479. BatchRename_ModifiedFile=Modified File Name
  480. AMDialogs_CreatingListItem=Preparing files...
  481. AMDialogs_Renaming=Renaming files...
  482. AMDialogs_AskReadOnlyRename=This file is read-only! Do you really want to rename this file?
  483. AMDialogs_InvalidSymbolsFileName=File "%s" contains invalid symbols! Do you wish to remove them?
  484. AMDialogs_InvalidSymbolsFileNameMessage=File "%s" contains invalid symbols!
  485. MainForm_BatchRename=Batch Rename...
  486. AMDialogs_ErrorRename=Cannot rename the file "%s" into "%s" The file already exists!
  487. BatchRename_DublicateFile=<The file already exists>
  488. AMUtils_ImageDimWOSpaces=%dx%dx%db
  489. BatchRename_FileSheet=Received_
  490. AMViewer_LongOperation=This operation takes some time. Do you really want to continue?
  491. MainForm_PreparingToAssign=Preparing Images...
  492. MainForm_Unassigning=Unassigning images...
  493. AMDialogs_RemovingCategories=Removing categories...
  494. AMDialogs_SettingDateTime=Setting new date...
  495. MainForm_DatabaseNotFound=The database path is not found! Please specify a new path.
  496. MainForm_RegistrationSuccess=Thank you for your registration. Please, restart the PicaJet.
  497. AMDialogs_Merging=Merging categories...
  498. AMDialogs_Deleting=Deleting categories...
  499. MainForm_ImageSizeComplete=Resizing image(s) is successfully completed
  500. MainForm_ConvertComplete=Converting image(s) is successfully completed
  501. MainForm_RevertComplete=Reverting %d to originals image(s) is successfully completed
  502. MainForm_DeletingOriginalsComplete=Deleting %d originals image(s) is successfully completed
  503. MainForm_OriginalNoLinks=No links to original image(s)
  504. MainForm_Corruption=Database error. Please restart the program.
  505. AMDialogs_RecoveringDatabase=Recovering the database...
  506. AMViewer_FullScreenWhileImport=Cannot switch to the full screen mode while importing.
  507. AMViewer_SlideShowWhileImport=Cannot launch a slide show while importing
  508. AMViewer_WaitingImport=Waiting...
  509. AMViewer_OlderFormat=The database is of an older format. The database will be updated.
  510. uAboutSystem_AskForSend=Send this information to support@picajet.com?
  511. MainForm_ChooseDatabasePath=Choose a location to store the database in!
  512. AMuDirBox_InvalidPath=The directory does not exist! Do you wish to create it?
  513. AMuDirBox_InvalidDirectoryName=Invalid directory name
  514. AMDialogs_UpdatingIPTC=Updating EXIF/IPTC...
  515. AMViewer_AskForImportCategories=Some photos have IPTC keywords. Do you wish to import them? (Recommended)
  516. Search_SearchFor=Search for
  517. Search_And=and
  518. Search_Between=Between
  519. Search_AnyType=Any type
  520. Search_AnyColor=Any colors
  521. Search_AnyMode=Any mode
  522. Search_ExpExamp=(10 1/10 0,2 etc.)
  523. Search_DateIntervals=Last 24 hours; Last 2 days; Last week-end; Last week;  Last month; Last year
  524. SearchResult=%d images found (%f seconds)
  525. Search_Exit=Exit Search
  526. FlashMode_Strobe=Strobe
  527. FlashMode_Compulsory=compulsory mode
  528. FlashMode_Auto=auto mode
  529. FlashMode_NoFlash=No flash function
  530. FlashMode_Redeye=red-eye reduction
  531. Compare_Equal=Equal
  532. Compare_Unequal=Unequal
  533. Compare_MoreThan=More than
  534. Compare_LessThan=Less than
  535. Acquire_NoDevice=No TWAIN devices
  536. Import_CaptionCamera=Camera
  537. Import_CaptionCDDVD=CD/DVD
  538. Import_CaptionShell=Drag and Drop
  539. Import_InstructionsCamera=Select your camera model from the dropdown list and then Click on the Import button
  540. Import_InstructionsCDDVD=Select a CD/DVD model from the dropdown list and then Click the Import button
  541. Import_InstructionsShell=You have dropped some files. Do you wish to append these files?
  542. AMViewer_DublicateString=Identity #%d
  543. WriteEXIFIPTC_ErrorWrite=Can not to write information to %s
  544. WriteEXIFIPTC_ReadOnlyWrite=The file is read-only! Do you wish to write the information anyway?
  545. Edit_ReadOnly=The file is read-only! Do you wish to write the changes anyway?
  546. MainForm_HideCategory=Hide "%s" from the current set
  547. AMUtils_Gbytes=GBytes
  548. Manage_Default=Default
  549. Manage_NA=N/A
  550. Manage_DBNameEnter=Enter the new album name:
  551. Manage_DBName=Album name
  552. Manage_DBMustBeFill=Album name is required!
  553. Manage_DBAlready=The album "%s" already exists!
  554. Manage_DBAlbumHave=The album already exists in this directory! Do you wish to use it?
  555. Manage_DBNewError=Can not create a new album!
  556. Manage_DBSelect=Select an album!
  557. Manage_DBDeleteError=Cannot delete an active album!
  558. Manage_DBDefaultError=The default album cannot be deleted!
  559. Manage_AskForCompleteDelete=Delete all album files and the directory?
  560. Manage_DBErrorComplteteness=Album files are not found!
  561. Manage_DBSize=Database size
  562. Manage_FreeSpace=Free space on the disk
  563. AMViewer_AssignWhileImport=Cannot assign categories while importing!
  564. MainForm_ErrorSendingMail=The message was not sent.
  565. AMDialogs_GeneratingWeb=Generating Web Photo Gallery...
  566. AMDialogs_WrongTemplate=Template has errors.
  567. WebGallery_Pages=%d photo(s) selected. Total %d web page(s).
  568. Edit_Confirmation=Save changes to the file?
  569. Edit_PrevOverwrite=Edits will overwrite previously edited photo
  570. Edit_NewFileNameMessage=Edits will be saved to %s
  571. Edit_Caption=Edit %s
  572. Wizard_Step1=This wizard will help you create the new photo album and import existing Images into PicaJet.
  573. Wizard_Step2=Add Images
  574. Wizard_SubStep2=Which folders would you like to scan?
  575. Wizard_Step3=Photo Album
  576. Wizard_SubStep3=Where would you like create your Photo Album?
  577. Wizard_Step4=Select Skin
  578. Wizard_SubStep4=Please, select skin to customize PicaJet appearance
  579. Wizard_Step5=Import existing database
  580. Wizard_SubStep5=You may convert existing database from third-party software
  581. Wizard_NoFolders=Folders for scanning are not chosen. Start work without import?
  582. Wizard_BadDatabaseFolder=Directory for database does not exists. Do you wish create it?
  583. Wizard_ErrorCreatingFolder=Could not create directory.
  584. Wizard_EmptyFolderName=You should enter any path.
  585. Wizard_NewFileName=You should enter any new name.
  586. Global_DatabaseReadOnly=Database is read only.
  587. Global_DatabaseFreeSpace=Hard Disk is Low on Disk Space. Database is read only
  588. AMDefaultCategory_Tray=Tray
  589. AMDefaultCategory_Favorites=Favorites
  590. AMDefaultCategory_People=People
  591. AMDefaultCategory_Family=Family
  592. AMDefaultCategory_Friends=Friends
  593. AMDefaultCategory_Places=Places
  594. AMDefaultCategory_Events=Events
  595. AMSendTo_MailingCurrentSet=Send to E-mail all photos from current set?
  596. AMSendTo_FolderingCurrentSet=Send to folder all photos from current set?
  597. AMSendTo_BurningCurrentSet=Burn to CD all photos from current set?
  598. AMDialogs_UnableToDelete=File is read only, hidden or system. Do you wish delete them anyway?
  599. AMDialogs_UnableToRename=Cannot rename file. File is read only, hidden or system.
  600. AMDialogs_UnableToSave=Cannot save file. File is read only, hidden or system.
  601. AMDialogs_Preparing=Preparing...
  602. AMDialogs_ClearingDirectory=Clearing directory
  603. uBurn_InvalidDisk=Invalid Disk
  604. uBurn_BurningProcess=Burning...
  605. uBurn_Initialize=Initialize...
  606. uBurn_ErasingProcess=Erasing...
  607. uBurn_LinkingProcess=Relinking files...
  608. uBurn_ErasingDone=Erasing complete.
  609. uBurn_BurningDone=Burning complete.
  610. uBurn_DiskInfo=Getting disk information...
  611. uBurn_DiskInfo2=Updating disk information...
  612. uBurn_NoDisk=No disk inserted or drive not ready
  613. uBurn_CantCreateDirecotry=Cannot create temporary directory
  614. uBackup_CompressProcess=Compressing...
  615. uBackup_BuildProcess=Building...
  616. uBackup_RestoreProcess=Restoring...
  617. uBackup_EnterCorrectName=Please, enter file name.
  618. uBackup_AlreadyHaveDBFiles=This directory already has a database! Do you wish overwrite these files?
  619. AMDialogs_SearchDeadLinks=Searching missing files...
  620. AMDialogs_HiddingFiles=Hidding files...
  621. AMDialogs_UnHiddingFiles=Unhidding files...
  622. MainForm_EnterPassword=Please enter password to view hidden files
  623. MainForm_ChildrenProtectionCaption=Protection
  624. MainForm_ChildrenProtection=Please enter password to open database
  625. MainForm_ShowHidden=Show hidden images
  626. MainForm_InvalidPassword=Invalid password
  627. uPassword_CorrectOldPassword=You must enter correct old password
  628. MainForm_NoImagesHidden=No images (%d hidden)
  629. MainForm_NoSelectionHidden=%d image(s) (%d hidden)
  630. MainForm_SameSelectionHidden=%d selected of %d image(s) (%d hidden)
  631. MainForm_SingleSelectionHidden=%d of %d image(s) (%d hidden)
  632. uBurn_NonWritable=Non-Writable disk. Please insert empty disk
  633. uBurn_WritableDisk=Writable disk. %s free. Max write speed : %dx
  634. uBurn_NonEmptyDisk=Writable disk. %s total. %s used. Please insert empty disk.
  635. uBurn_MyDisk=My Disk
  636. uBurn_MissingFiles=Some files are missing! Do you wish skip them?
  637. uBurn_SomeInvalidCategories=This categories contains invalid symbols. Invalid symbols will be removed!
  638. uImportDB_CouldNotGetDefaultCatalog=Cannot get default catalog!
  639. uImportDB_CouldNotInitializeDB=Cannot initialize importing database!
  640. uImportDB_CouldNotAccessFile=The source file may be in use.
  641. uImportDB_PSAImporting=Importing Adobe Photoshop Album Catalog data.
  642. uImportDB_InvalidDBFormat=Invalid database format.
  643. uImportDB_InvalidFileName=Invalid file name.
  644. uBurn_TooMuch=You have selected %d photos!.
  645. uBurn_FreeSpace=Hard Disk is Low on Disk Space.
  646. uLinks_LoadigStructure=Loading structure...
  647. uLinks_NoMissingFiles=No missing files
  648. uLinks_NewPath=Select new path for folder
  649. uLinks_ChoosePath=Please choose path
  650. uLinks_SaveChanges=Save changes?
  651. uLinks_RelocatingItems=Relocating items...
  652. uLinks_NodeFormat=%s (%d missing)
  653. uDrivers_Download=For video cards using %s chipsets:
  654. uBack_BackupFiles=PicaJet backup files
  655. MainForm_ErrorMoreThan16Bit=PicaJet requires at least an 16 bit display colors
  656. MainForm_ErrorVideoCard=Your video card is not supported %s or make sure that texture compression is enabled %s on your display adapter settings. %s Contact at support@picajet.com for more details.
  657. MainForm_Upgrading1=Upgrading main table...
  658. MainForm_Upgrading2=Upgrading categories table...
  659. MainForm_Upgrading3=Upgrading quick edit table...
  660. MainForm_Upgrading4=Upgrading descriptions table...
  661. MainForm_Upgrading5=Upgrading EXIF table...
  662. MainForm_Upgrading6=Upgrading medium thumbnails size table...
  663. MainForm_Upgrading7=Upgrading big thumbnails size table...
  664. MainForm_Upgrading8=Upgrading volumes table...
  665. MainForm_Upgrading9=Upgrading secondary table #%d...
  666. MainForm_NewestVersion=The program cannot work with newer versions of a database
  667. MainForm_PleaseFinishWizard=Please finish wizard before to start import.
  668. uBurn_TotalSize=Total size : %s
  669. uBurn_UsedSpace=Used space : %s
  670. uBurn_FreeSpaceCD=Free space : %s
  671. uBurn_DiskType=Disk type : %s
  672. uBurn_SessionCount=Session count : %d
  673. uBurn_NextAdress=Next Writable address : %d
  674. uBurn_MaxWriteSpeed=Max write speed : %dx
  675. uBurn_NonWritableDisk=Non-Writable disk.
  676. uPlayer_InvalidDecompress=Cannot play back the video stream: no suitable decompressor could be found
  677. uMailTo_InvalidFile=Invalid File Format!
  678. uPlayer_Playing=Playing...
  679. uPlayer_Paused=Paused
  680. uPlayer_Stopped=Stopped
  681. AMTimeLine_NoDate=No Date
  682. MainForm_Need3D=This feature works only with 3D-acceleration.
  683. MainForm_VideoNotSupport=This function not supported for video files
  684. ImportLog_isDuplicate=%s - Duplicate file
  685. ImportLog_isInvalidFile=%s - Invalid file format
  686. ImportLog_isInvalidCompressor=%s - Cannot decompress the file
  687. ImportLog_isAlready=%s - The file already exists in the database
  688. ImportLog_isLessThanLimit=%s - The file size is less than import limit
  689. ImportLog_isNone=%s - Unknown error
  690. ImportLog_isNoExsist=%s - The file does not exist
  691. ImportLog_FileList=The files listed were not imported
  692. MoveLog_FileList=The files listed were not moved.
  693. CopyLog_FileList=The files listed were not copied.
  694. ConvertLog_FileList=The files listed were not converted.
  695. ImageSizeLog_FileList=The files listed were not resized.
  696. MainForm_CannotOpenDatabase=Cannot open database
  697. Metadata_SaveChanges=Do you wish to save your changes?
  698. Metadata_IPTCMaxSymbols=Max: %d symbol(s)
  700. FreeEdition_MoreInfo=Learn more about PicaJet FX...
  701. CategIcons_General=General
  702. CategIcons_ImageIcons=Image Icons
  703. MainForm_FilesSize=Selected files size: %s
  704. MainForm_DiskFreeSpace=Disk free space: %s
  705. Shell_MenuCaption=Add to PicaJet...
  706. Shell_ErrorAddingPhotos=Error adding photos
  707. Shell_FullCaption=Add selected photos to PicaJet Photo Organizer
  708. Shell_RegHandlerValue1=Import, View & Organize Photos
  709. WatchedFolders_Remove=Do you want to remove these folders from watched list?
  710. WatchedFolders_Confirmation=New files detected in the watched folders. Do you want import them?
  711. MoveFile_FileOffline=%s - file is offline.
  712. MoveFile_Already=%s - file already in the destination folder.
  713. MoveFile_InTheDatabase=%s - try to replace file that is already in the database.
  714. MoveFile_Skipped=%s - file skipped.
  715. MoveFile_CannotMove=%s - file can not be moved.
  716. MoveFile_DoesNotExist=%s - file does not exists.
  717. MoveFile_Cancel=Operation canceled
  720. [TFAcquire]
  721. TFAcquire.Caption=Add Images from Scanner...
  722. cbCustom.Caption=Customize Output Format...
  723. cbUseDate.Caption=Append Date to Path
  724. LAttach.Caption=Attach to
  725. LCopy.Caption=Copy files to
  726. lLocation.Caption=Select source
  727. sbAttach.Hint=Find selected category
  729. [TFApplyIPTC]
  730. TFApplyIPTC.Caption=Update EXIF/IPTC
  731. cbSaveRating.Caption=Save rating
  732. cbContact.Caption=Credit:
  733. cbCopyright.Caption=Copyright:
  734. cbCustomize.Caption=Customize...
  735. cbDToBoth.Caption=Both
  736. cbDToEXIF.Caption=To EXIF
  737. cbDToIPTC.Caption=To IPTC
  738. cbSaveCategories.Caption=Save categories
  739. cbSaveDescription.Caption=Save description
  740. cbSaveOrientation.Caption=Save Image orientation
  741. cbSaveParents.Caption=Save category's parents
  742. cbSaveStructure.Caption=Save categories structure
  743. cbTemplates.Caption=Copyright and contacts
  744. LDescription.Caption=This function will save categories and descriptions is directly into the files. In section IPTC and EXIF (only JPEG and TIFF files).
  745. LAsk.Caption=Save Images information into the files?
  747. [TMainForm]
  748. mShowhint1.Caption=Show hint
  749. CheckforUpdatesOnline1.Caption=Check for Updates Online
  750. mMovetoFolder.Caption=Move to Folder...
  751. mCopytoFolder.Caption=Copy to Folder...
  752. EXIFDate1.Caption=EXIF DateTime
  753. EXIFDate2.Caption=EXIF DateTime
  754. Movefiles1.Caption=Move files...
  755. Makeuserscreenshots1.Caption=&Send Screenshot to PicaJet.Com
  756. Watchedfolders1.Caption=&Watched Folders...
  757. Howincreaseperformance1.Caption=&How to Increase Performance...
  758. bSlideShowMusic.Hint=Play or stop music slideshow playback
  759. bSlideShowTransitions.Hint=Select transition effects
  760. GoTo2.Caption=&Go to
  761. Recoverymissingfiles1.Caption=&Recovery Missing Files...
  762. bBrowse.Hint=Browse mode
  763. bEmail.Hint=E-Mail (Shift+E)
  764. bBurn.Hint=Burn CD/DVD
  765. Groupbydate1.Caption=Group by date
  766. Groupbydate1.Hint=Group by date
  767. Groupbyfilecreatedtime1.Caption=Group by created time
  768. Groupbyfilecreatedtime1.Hint=Group by created time
  769. Groupbyfilemodifiedtime1.Caption=Group by modified time
  770. Groupbyfilemodifiedtime1.Hint=Group by modified time
  771. GroupByEXIFDate.Hint=Group by EXIF Date
  772. GroupByEXIFDate.Caption=Group by EXIF Date
  773. twCaptions.iCaption=Display Fields
  774. tvCategories.iCaption=Categories
  775. twProperties.iCaption=Properties
  776. Aboutsystem1.Caption=About &System...
  777. ApplyResetPropert.Caption=Apply
  778. AsKust1.Caption=&List
  779. AsTree1.Caption=&Tree
  780. bCompare.Caption=Equal
  781. bFullScreen.Caption=Full Screen
  782. biAddPhotos.Caption=Add Images
  783. biPrint.Caption=Print
  784. biFix.Caption=Fix Image...
  785. biQuickEdit.Caption=Edit
  786. biSendTo.Caption=Send to
  787. biShowEditInfo.Caption=Edit Info
  788. biShowInfo.Caption=Info
  789. bPropertiesCaption.Caption=Properties:
  790. bm1.hint=Customize Categories...
  791. bm2.hint=Customize "Locate By"...
  792. bm3.hint=Change placement of "Properties" window 
  794. bRefresh.Caption=Refresh (F5)
  795. bSearch.Caption=Search
  796. bSearchStart.Caption=Search
  797. bSlideShow.Caption=Slide Show
  798. bsSkinSpeedButton1.Caption=Locate By:
  799. bsSkinSpeedButton3.Caption=Categories:
  800. bTimeLineDay.Caption=Days
  801. bTimeLineMonth.Caption=Months
  802. bTimeLineHours.Caption=Hours
  803. bPresets.Hint=Select time range
  804. bChangeGroupDateType.Hint=Choose a type of date
  805. Buttonlabels1.Caption=&Text Options
  806. mCancelCrop.Caption=&Cancel
  807. Categories1.Caption=Categories
  808. cbOnlyInCategory.Caption=Only on selected categories
  809. Close1.Caption=&Close
  810. CollapseAll1.Caption=&Collapse All
  811. Color1.Caption=Edit Icon...
  812. Colordepth1.Caption=Color depth
  813. Contents1.Caption=&Contents
  814. CreateDate1.Caption=C&reated Date
  815. CreateDate2.Caption=C&reated Date
  816. Createddate1.Caption=C&reated Date
  817. Crop1.Caption=Crop &Size
  818. Custom1.Caption=&Custom
  819. Customize1.Caption=Customize...
  820. DeleteState1.Caption=Delete State
  821. Describe1.Caption=&Caption
  822. Description1.Caption=&Caption
  823. DragUnassignedcategoriestoquickremovealllinks1.Caption=or Drag here the "Unassigned" categories
  824. Dublicates1.Caption=Duplicates
  825. Missingfiles1.Caption=Missing files
  826. Hiddenfiles1.Caption=Hidden files
  827. EditwithPhotoshop1.Caption=Edit with Photoshop
  828. EMail2.Caption=E-Mail
  829. Everywhere1.Caption=Everywhere (text fields)
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  1172. lFXLearnMore.Caption=Learn More...
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  1271. cmPresetPrintSize.Items="A5  (148 x 210 mm)";"A4  (210 x 297 mm)";"A3  (297 x 420 mm)";"B5  (176 x 250 mm)";"B4  (250 x 353 mm)";"B3  (353 x 500 mm)"
  1272. cmPrintUnits.Items=inches;cm;mm
  1273. cmResample.Items="Do not resample";Auto;Nearest;Linear;Triangle;Hermite;Bell;BSpline;Lanczos3;Mitchell
  1274. cmResolution.Items=pixels/inch;pixels/cm
  1276. [TFImport]
  1277. bImport.Caption=Import
  1278. cbCDUseDate.Caption=Append Date to Path
  1279. cbCMUseDate.Caption=Append Date to Path
  1280. cbCopyFiles.Caption=Copy to:
  1281. cbCopyFilesDD.Caption=Copy to:
  1282. cbDDUseDate.Caption=Append Date to Path
  1283. cdDeletePictures.Caption=Delete images from Camera or Card Reader after copy
  1284. cdIncludeFoldersDD.Caption=Include subfolders
  1285. LCopyTo.Caption=Copy to:
  1286. lSize.Caption=Attach to:
  1287. LSource.Caption=Source:
  1288. LSource2.Caption=Source:
  1289. TFImport.Caption=Add Images from:
  1290. bFindSelected.Hint=Find selected category
  1292. [TFImportFiles]
  1293. ArrangeIcons1.Caption=Arrange Icons
  1294. byDate1.Caption=by Date
  1295. byName1.Caption=by Name
  1296. bySize1.Caption=by Size
  1297. byType1.Caption=by Type
  1298. cbConvertFolderNames.Caption=Create Categories from Folders Names
  1299. cbCopyFiles.Caption=Copy files to:
  1300. cbInclSubFolders.Caption=Include subfolders
  1301. chConvertIPTC.Caption=Create Categories from IPTC keywords
  1302. chFilterSize.Caption=Ignore Files Smaller Than:
  1303. Details1.Caption=Details
  1304. Details2.Caption=Details
  1305. ImportAllButton.Caption=Import &All
  1306. ImportButton.Caption=&Import
  1307. LargeIcons1.Caption=Large Icons
  1308. LargeIcons2.Caption=Large Icons
  1309. LFileType.Caption=Files of &type:
  1310. lFilterSize.Caption=Kb
  1311. List1.Caption=List
  1312. List2.Caption=List
  1313. LLookIn.Caption=Look in..
  1314. lSize.Caption=Attach to Category:
  1315. Paste1.Caption=Paste
  1316. Properties1.Caption=Properties
  1317. Refresh1.Caption=Refresh
  1318. SmallIcons1.Caption=Small Icons
  1319. SmallIcons2.Caption=Small Icons
  1320. TFImportFiles.Caption=Add Images from Files
  1321. View1.Caption=View
  1322. bFindSelected.Hint=Find selected category
  1324. [TFDirBox]
  1325. TFDirBox.Caption=Browse for Folder
  1326. lDirectories.Caption=Directories
  1327. lPath.Caption=Path:
  1329. [TFMailTo]
  1330. chOptimize.Caption=Optimize
  1331. lCalculating.Caption=Calculating Size ...
  1332. lQuality.Caption=Quality:
  1333. lSize.Caption=Size:
  1334. TFMailTo.Caption=Send To E-mail
  1335. cmPresetImageSize.Items="As is";"320 x 240";"400 x 300";"640 x 480";"800 x 600";"1024 x 768";"1280 x 960"
  1336. cmPresetQuality.Items=LOW;MEDIUM;HIGH;MAXIMUM
  1338. [TfManage]
  1339. bPassword.Caption=&Password
  1340. bImport.Caption=&Import
  1341. bBackup.Caption=&Backup
  1342. bRestore.Caption=&Restore
  1343. bAdd.Caption=&Add...
  1344. bCreate.Caption=&New...
  1345. bDelete.Caption=Delete
  1346. bSwitch.Caption=Switch to..
  1347. lCategsCount.Caption=Free space on disk
  1348. lImagesCount.Caption=Database size
  1349. LPreview.Caption=Preview
  1350. MIAdd.Caption=Add
  1351. MIBrowseinexplorer.Caption=Locate on disk
  1352. MICreate.Caption=Create
  1353. MIDelete.Caption=Delete
  1354. MIRename.Caption=Rename
  1355. MISwitchto.Caption=Switch to..
  1356. spDBSize.Caption=Database size
  1357. spFreeSpace.Caption=Free space on disk
  1358. TfManage.Caption=Manage albums
  1359. lvDatabases.Columns0.Caption=Name
  1360. lvDatabases.Columns1.Caption=Path
  1361. lvDatabases.Columns2.Caption=Images
  1362. lvDatabases.Columns3.Caption=Categories
  1363. lvDatabases.Columns4.Caption=Password
  1365. [TFMessage]
  1366. chCreateNew.Caption=Create New Database (All data will be lost!)
  1367. chRecovery.Caption=Recovery Database (Recommended)
  1368. DetailedLabel.Caption=Current import not already finished! Cancel operation?
  1369. SmallLabel.Caption=Cancel operation
  1371. [TfMorePrintOptions]
  1372. bFont.Caption=Font
  1373. chCentimeters.Caption=Centimeters
  1374. chDrawBorder.Caption=Draw border around images
  1375. chInches.Caption=Inches
  1376. chShowCSDate.Caption=Show date on images
  1377. LEach.Caption=Print each image
  1378. LTimes.Caption=time(s)
  1379. LUnits.Caption=Measurement Units:
  1380. lContactSheetFont.Caption=Contact sheet text font:
  1381. TfMorePrintOptions.Caption=Additional print options
  1382. bCSAlignCenter.Hint=Align center
  1383. bCSAlignLeft.Hint=Align left
  1384. bCSAlignRight.Hint=Align right
  1386. [TFOptions]
  1387. LTools.Caption=List of external tools
  1388. bAdd.Caption=Add
  1389. bDelete.Caption=Delete
  1390. bEdit.Caption=Edit
  1391. chPlaySlideShowMp3.Caption=Play MP3 files during slideshow
  1392. chPlayRandomize.Caption=Play randomize
  1393. lSelectMp3Folder.Caption=Select folder with MP3 files:
  1394. bChooseClient.Caption=Choose default mail client
  1395. bClear.Caption=Clear database
  1396. bRecovery.Caption=Recovery database
  1397. bOptimaze.Caption=Optimize database
  1398. cbAddEmailFooter.Caption=Add the total images size to the letter
  1399. lGetMoreSkins.Caption=Get more skins...
  1400. cbAlwaysAsk.Caption=Always choose mail client before sending
  1401. cbConvertNames.Caption=Create categories from the folders names
  1402. cbDeleteFromCard.Caption=Delete photos on camera or card reader after import process
  1403. cbOptimizeMethod.Caption=View large images with optimized method (faster)
  1404. cbShowEXIF.Caption=Show EXIF Properties
  1405. cbUseEXIFDescription.Caption=Copy description from EXIF description
  1406. cbUseEXIFOrientation.Caption=Auto rotate images using EXIF orientation
  1407. cbUseKeywords.Caption=Create categories from IPTC keywords
  1408. chCentimeters.Caption=Centimeters
  1409. chInches.Caption=Inches
  1410. chIntegration.Caption=Integrate PicaJet into Explorer (Shell)
  1411. LDBPath.Caption=Database path
  1412. LDefaultFolder.Caption=Default folder for imported images
  1413. LDisplayProperties.Caption=Display fields
  1414. LEmailSubject.Caption=Default E-Mail subject
  1415. LEXIFInfo.Caption=EXIF info
  1416. LResampleFilter.Caption=Generated thumbnails using resample filter:
  1417. LSkins.Caption=Skins:
  1418. LThumbSize.Caption=Thumbnails size
  1419. LThumbStyle.Caption=Thumbnails style:
  1420. LUnits.Caption=Measurement Units
  1421. MakeDefaults.Caption=Defaults
  1422. rThumbUseBorder.Caption=Use border
  1423. rThumbUseShadow.Caption=Use shadow
  1424. rThumbBackgroundColor.Caption=Background color
  1425. rThumbUseSkinColor.Caption=Use skin
  1426. rThumbCustomColor.Caption=Custom colors
  1427. lBackground.Caption=Background:
  1428. lBackgroundColor.Caption=Background:
  1429. lHeaderColor.Caption=Header:
  1430. lHeaderTextColor.Caption=Header text:
  1431. SectionLabel.Caption=Print:
  1432. LLanguages.Caption=Languages:
  1433. TFOptions.Caption=Options
  1434. cmResample.Items="Auto (Recommended)";Triangle;Hermite;Bell;BSpline;Lanczos;Mitchell;Nearest;Linear;"Fast Linear";Bilinear;Bicubic
  1435. SectionSelector.Items=General;Import;Thumbnails;E-mail;Database;SlideShow;Skins;Languages;External Tools
  1436. bPassword.Caption=Set protection from viewing hidden files
  1437. bPassword.Hint=This function will allow you to protect some files from viewing
  1439. [TfPrint]
  1440. bMore.Caption=&More...
  1441. bPrint.Caption=&Print
  1442. bPrintSetup.Caption=&Setup...
  1443. chAddDate.Caption=Add Date
  1444. chAddDateCS.Caption=Add Date
  1445. chAutoRotate.Caption=Auto Rotate
  1446. chAutoRotateCS.Caption=Auto Rotate
  1447. chCropToMatch.Caption=Crop to Match
  1448. chCropToMathContactSheet.Caption=Crop to Match
  1449. chCropToMathCS.Caption=Crop to Match
  1450. chDescription.Caption=Description
  1451. chOnePhotoPerPage.Caption=One Photo per Page
  1452. LAddPictureProp.Caption=Add Image Properties
  1453. lAlignment.Caption=Alignment:
  1454. lAlignment2.Caption=Alignment:
  1455. lBottom.Caption=Bottom:
  1456. LColumns.Caption=Columns:
  1457. lDPI.Caption=Resolution (DPI):
  1458. LH.Caption=H:
  1459. lLeft.Caption=Left:
  1460. lMargins.Caption=Margins:
  1461. LOrientation.Caption=Orientation:
  1462. lRight.Caption=Right:
  1463. lSize.Caption=Size:
  1464. lTop.Caption=Top:
  1465. LW.Caption=W:
  1466. TfPrint.Caption=Print
  1467. cbPresetImageSize.Items=As is;320 x 240;400 x 300;640 x 480;800 x 600;1024 x 768;1280 x 960
  1469. [TFSaveAs]
  1470. LFileType.Caption=Files of &type:
  1472. [TFSendTo]
  1473. chFormatInFly.Caption=Convert on Fly
  1474. chResizeInFly.Caption=Resize on Fly
  1475. TFSendTo.Caption=Send To Folder
  1477. [TfTrial]
  1478. btnRegistration.Caption=Registration
  1479. ButtonT.Caption=Continue Trial
  1480. LDescription.Caption=If you wish to use PicaJet after %d days you must be register
  1481. LInterval.Caption=This is day %d of your %d-day trial period
  1482. lLink.Caption=Get Registration Key
  1483. TfTrial.Caption=PicaJet
  1485. [TfTrialExpired]
  1486. TfTrialExpired.Caption=PicaJet
  1487. bExit.Caption=Exit
  1488. bBuyNow.Caption=Buy Now
  1489. bRegistration.Caption=Registration
  1490. lTrialExpired.Caption=Your trial period has expired!
  1491. lMustBeRegister.Caption=If you wish to use PicaJet you must be register
  1493. [TfrmRegKey]
  1494. TfrmRegKey.Caption=Registration
  1495. lRegName.Caption=Registration Name
  1496. lRegKey.Caption=Registration Key
  1497. lLink.Caption=Get Registration Info
  1498. bPaste.Caption=Paste
  1500. [TFWebGallery]
  1501. cmPresetQuality.Items=LOW;MEDIUM;HIGH;MAXIMUM
  1502. LQuality.Caption=Quality:
  1503. bMore.Caption=Get more ...
  1504. bView.Caption=View Last
  1505. LAuthor.Caption=Author
  1506. LCAuthor.Caption=Author:
  1507. LCDescription.Caption=Description:
  1508. LCHomepage.Caption=Home page:
  1509. LCTemplateName.Caption=Template Name:
  1510. LDescription.Caption=Description
  1511. lName.Caption=Name:
  1512. LSaveTo.Caption=Save to:
  1513. lSize.Caption=Image Size:
  1514. lTemplateInfo.Caption=Preview:
  1515. lTemplates.Caption=Templates:
  1516. LThumbsPerPage.Caption=Thumbnails per page:
  1517. rbSize1.Caption=Original size
  1518. rbSize2.Caption=320 pixels
  1519. rbSize3.Caption=640 pixels
  1520. rbSize4.Caption=1024 pixels
  1521. rbSize5.Caption=Custom size
  1522. rbSize6.Caption=Get from template
  1523. lMoreTemplates.Caption=More Templates...
  1524. TFWebGallery.Caption=Create Web Photo Gallery
  1526. [TfWizard]
  1527. bBack.Caption=< Back
  1528. bNext.Caption=Next >
  1529. cbConvertFolderNames.Caption=Create Categories from Folders Names
  1530. cbInclSubFolders.Caption=Include subfolders
  1531. chConvertIPTC.Caption=Create Categories from IPTC keywords
  1532. chFilterSize.Caption=Ignore Files Smaller Than:
  1533. LDBPath.Caption=Database path
  1534. lFilterSize.Caption=Kb
  1535. lLocation.Caption=Choose folders
  1536. LMain.Caption=This wizard will guide you through the process of organizing your existing digital photos
  1537. LReady.Caption=This wizard is now ready. Click "Finish" to start import existing photos.
  1538. LScanSet.Caption=Scan settings
  1539. LSkins.Caption=Skins:
  1540. TfWizard.Caption=Welcome to PicaJet
  1541. rbScan.Caption=Scan files and folders
  1542. rbImportDB.Caption=Import existing database
  1543. LDBType.Caption=Database type
  1544. LDBLocation.Caption=Database location
  1545. bDefault.Caption=Get current
  1547. [TfAbout]
  1548. TfAbout.Caption=About PicaJet
  1550. [TfFormSystem]
  1551. TfFormSystem.Caption=About System
  1552. bSend.Caption=&Send
  1554. [TfSaveCaptionsOrder]
  1555. lName.Caption=Name:
  1557. [TfEdit]
  1558. bLeft.Hint=Rotate Left
  1559. bRight.Hint=Rotate Right
  1560. bApplyCrop.Caption=Crop
  1561. bAutoLevels.Caption=Auto
  1562. bBrightContrast.Caption=Brightness/Contrast
  1563. bContrastApply.Caption=Apply
  1564. bCrop.Caption=Crop
  1565. bCropUndo.Caption=Undo
  1566. bEffects.Caption=Effects
  1567. bEffectsApply.Caption=Apply
  1568. bFixRedEye.Caption=Fix Red Eye
  1569. bGlobalApply.Caption=Apply
  1570. bHueApply.Caption=Apply
  1571. bHueSaturation.Caption=Hue/Saturation
  1572. bLevels.Caption=Levels
  1573. bRedEye.Caption=Red Eye Reduction
  1574. bRevert.Caption=Revert to original
  1575. bSharpenApply.Caption=Apply
  1576. bSharpenBlur.Caption=Sharpen / Blur
  1577. bsSkinSpeedButton1.Caption=Apply
  1578. bUndoRedEye.Caption=Undo
  1579. cbRemoveOriginal.Caption=Replace Original
  1580. chAfter.Caption=After
  1581. chBeforeAndAfter.Caption=Before and After
  1582. chBW.Caption=Black-and-White
  1583. chGrayscale.Caption=Grayscale
  1584. chNegative.Caption=Negative
  1585. chNoEffects.Caption=No Effects
  1586. chSepia.Caption=Sepia
  1587. chWB.Caption=White-and-Black
  1588. lRedInstructions.Caption=To repair red eye click over each eye separately and adjust selection size. Then, click "Fix Red Eye"
  1589. LRedEyeSize.Caption=Selection Size:
  1590. LLuminosity.Caption=Luminosity
  1591. lAspectRatio.Caption=Aspect Ratio:
  1592. lBlue.Caption=Blur
  1593. lBrightness.Caption=Brightness
  1594. lContrast.Caption=Contrast
  1595. lCropInfo.Caption=Click hold and drag the mouse over the image to select area. Then, click "Crop"
  1596. lHue.Caption=Hue
  1597. lSaturation.Caption=Saturation
  1598. lSharpen.Caption=Sharpen
  1599. TfEdit.Caption=Previews
  1600. bZoomOut.Hint=Zoom Out
  1601. bZoomIn.Hint=Zoom In
  1602. bRight.Caption=Rotate Right
  1603. bLeft.Caption=Rotate Left
  1604. bZoom100.Hint=Zoom In
  1605. bZoomFit.Hint=Zoom Out
  1606. ProgressGauge.ProgressText=Loading
  1607. cbLevelChannels.Items=RGB;  Red;  Green;  Blue;
  1608. lChannel.Caption=Channel:
  1610. [TfTips]
  1611. bNext.Caption=Next Tip
  1612. chShowTips.Caption=&Show Tips on StartUp
  1613. LDidYouKnow.Caption=Did you know...
  1614. TfTips.Caption=Tip of the Day
  1616. [TfBurn]
  1617. rbLargeIcons.Caption=Large Icons
  1618. rbAquaStyle.Caption=Aqua Style
  1619. bErase.Caption=Erase
  1620. cbApplyQuickFilter.Caption=Apply quick edit
  1621. cbCreateStructure.Caption=Create folder structure based on categories structure
  1622. cbMoveFiles.Caption=Move Files
  1623. cbResize.Caption=Resize images
  1624. cbWebGallery.Caption=Create Web Photo Gallery
  1625. LDestination.Caption=Destination
  1626. LDiskName.Caption=Disk name
  1627. LGeneral.Caption=General
  1628. rbBurner.Caption=CD/DVD Burner
  1629. rbFolder.Caption=Folder
  1630. TfBurn.Caption=Burn CD
  1632. [TfBackup]
  1633. bErase.Caption=Erase
  1634. cbDelete.Caption=Delete database after backup
  1635. cbDeleteThumbs.Caption=Delete thumbnails data
  1636. cbPack.Caption=Compress database
  1637. LDestination.Caption=Destination
  1638. rbBurner.Caption=CD/DVD Burner
  1639. rbFile.Caption=File
  1640. TfBackup.Caption=Backup database
  1642. [TFSession]
  1643. LAction.Caption=Action
  1644. LCaption.Caption=Disk info
  1645. LDiskInfo.Caption=Disk info
  1646. rbContinue.Caption=Continue multisession disk
  1647. rbErase.Caption=Erase rewritable
  1648. rbStart.Caption=Start multisession disk
  1649. TFSession.Caption=Choose action
  1651. [TFPassword]
  1652. LOldPassword.Caption=Old Password
  1653. LNewPassword.Caption=New Password
  1654. LConfirmPassword.Caption=Confirm New Password
  1655. TFPassword.Caption=Change Password
  1657. [TFImportDB]
  1658. AMLabel1.Caption=Database type
  1659. AMLabel2.Caption=Destination
  1660. bDefault.Caption=Get current
  1661. LDestination.Caption=Database location
  1662. rbCurrent.Caption=Import in the current
  1663. rbNew.Caption=Create new database
  1664. TFImportDB.Caption=Import database
  1666. [TFLinks]
  1667. TFLinks.Caption=Missing Links
  1668. bNewPath.Caption=Set new path...
  1669. Setnewpath1.Caption=Set new path...
  1670. bRefresh.Caption=Refresh
  1672. [TFDrivers]
  1673. LSubject.Caption=PicaJet will be started in the slow mode
  1674. LInstructions.Caption=How to make the program work 2-10 times faster?
  1675. lSlowDriver.Caption=The standard slow video card driver is installed on your system.
  1676. lPleaseInstall.Caption=By installing the driver from the official site of your video card manufacturer or from the CD that comes together with your video card, you can make a lot of applications (games, screensavers, a lot of graphic applications) work a few times faster.
  1678. [TFProgress]
  1679. detailedlabel.Caption=Would you like to replace the existing file?
  1680. smallLabel.Caption=The file with same name already exists
  1682. [TFShot]
  1683. LQuestion.Caption=Use this snapshot as thumbnail?
  1684. TFShot.Caption=Snapshot
  1686. [TFPlayer]
  1687. Down1.Caption=Down
  1688. FullScreen1.Caption=Full Screen
  1689. LStatus.Caption=Initialize
  1690. Mute1.Caption=Mute
  1691. PlayPause1.Caption=Play/Pause
  1692. Properties1.Caption=Properties
  1693. Stop1.Caption=Stop
  1694. TFPlayer.Caption=Video Player
  1695. Up1.Caption=Up
  1696. Volume1.Caption=Volume
  1697. bFF.Hint=Fast forward
  1698. bMute.Hint=Mute
  1699. bPlayPause.Hint=Play/Pause
  1700. bRF.Hint=Rewind
  1701. bShoot.Hint=Snapshoot for thumbnail
  1702. bStop1.Hint=Stop
  1703. SoundLevel.Hint=Volume
  1705. [TfAdv]
  1706. fAdv.Caption=PicaJet vs. PicaJet FX
  1707. bBuy.Caption=Upgrade Now!
  1708. labelBold.Caption=Upgrade to PicaJet FX
  1709. labelInfo=This feature is available only in the PicaJet FX. Upgrade now and start receiving the benefits of PicaJet FX today! It's easy and fast!
  1711. [TFWatchedFolders]
  1712. LWizardDescription.Caption=Pick folders to watch for new pictures
  1713. lSub.Caption=Select folders
  1714. LWatched.Caption=Watched folders list
  1715. LFoldersList.Caption=Folders List
  1716. Removefromlist1.Caption=Remove from list...
  1717. TFWatchedFolders.Caption=Watched folders
  1719. [TFSendToMobile]
  1720. TFSendToMobile.Caption=Send to Mobile
  1721. labelBold.Caption=Send to Mobile
  1722. labelInfo.Caption=Select the part of the image you want to send to mobile phone and then Click on the Send button
  1723. lPresets.Caption=Model:
  1724. lWidth.Caption=Width:
  1725. lHeight.Caption=Height:
  1726. lFormat.Caption=Format:
  1727. lQuality.Caption=Quality:
  1728. lSize.Caption=Size:
  1729. lColors.Caption=Colors:
  1732. [TfsDescription]
  1733. rbAppend.Caption=Append to current
  1734. LDescription.Caption=Description for selected images
  1735. rbEXIFImageDescription.Caption=EXIF Image Description
  1736. rbEXIFUserComment.Caption=EXIF User Comment
  1737. rbFileName.Caption=File name
  1738. rbIPTCCaption.Caption=IPTC Caption
  1739. rbJPEGComment.Caption=JPEG Comment
  1740. tsChange.Caption=Change to
  1741. tsGetFrom.Caption=Get from
  1743. [TfsTools]
  1744. LDescription.Caption=Use "%1" in the parameters section for current filename
  1745. LParameters.Caption=Parameters
  1746. LProgram.Caption=Program
  1747. lTitle.Caption=Title
  1748. TfsTools.Caption=Configure tool
  1750. [TfUpdate]
  1751. LinkProxy.Caption=Proxy settings
  1752. bDownload.Caption=Download
  1753. cbAuto.Caption=Automatically check for updates every week
  1754. LDestination.Caption=File destination
  1755. LFolder.Caption=Download all updates to this folder:
  1756. lName.Caption=Available updates
  1757. TfUpdate.Caption=Online update
  1759. [TfProxy]
  1760. LAddress.Caption=Address
  1761. LPort.Caption=Port
  1762. lName.Caption=Firewall/proxy settings
  1763. rbDirect.Caption= Direct connection to Internet
  1764. rbProxy.Caption= Firewall/proxy settings
  1765. rbWindows.Caption= Use Windows  settings
  1766. TfProxy.Caption=Internet settings
  1768. [TFMobilePresets]
  1769. TFMobilePresets.Caption=Mobile Presets
  1770. lName.Caption=Name:
  1772. [FreeVsDX]
  1773. ChapterA=General
  1774. ChapterB=Manage
  1775. ChapterC=View and Search
  1776. ChapterD=Edit
  1777. ChapterE=Share
  1778. ChapterF=Print
  1779. FeatureA1=Automatically organize thousands of photos in seconds
  1780. FeatureA2=Import from digital cameras, folders, CD or DVD, scanner or web-cameras
  1781. FeatureA3=Import images from other programs
  1782. FeatureA4=Skin support
  1783. FeatureA5=Multilingual interface
  1784. FeatureB1=Auto-create categories using folders names
  1785. FeatureB2=Auto create categories using IPTC keywords
  1786. FeatureB3=Select photos using Match ALL criterion
  1787. FeatureB4=Select photos using Match ANY and Match EXACT criterions
  1788. FeatureB5=Create more than one album
  1789. FeatureB6=Back-up/Restore albums
  1790. FeatureB7=Protect albums with password
  1791. FeatureB8="Optimize database" feature
  1792. FeatureB9=Sorting categories
  1793. FeatureB10=Exclude any category from current set
  1794. FeatureB11=Hide Sub-category photos
  1795. FeatureB12=Search Categories
  1796. FeatureB13=Categories panel without "Update to FX version"
  1797. FeatureB14="Save Categories and Description directly to EXIF and IPTC" feature
  1798. FeatureB15=Unlimited categories nesting
  1799. FeatureB16=Sorting categories
  1800. FeatureB17=View Image Metadata(EXIF and IPTC)
  1801. FeatureB18=View and Edit Image Metadata(EXIF and IPTC)
  1802. FeatureC1=Basic Search
  1803. FeatureC2=Powerful Search using EXIF fields
  1804. FeatureC3=Search for rating and quickedit
  1805. FeatureC4=Find duplicates
  1806. FeatureC5=Search for missing links
  1807. FeatureC6=Search for categories
  1808. FeatureC7=Search for hidden files
  1809. FeatureC8=Automatically group images by imported order
  1810. FeatureC9=Automatically group images by folders
  1811. FeatureC10=Automatically group images by month
  1812. FeatureC11=Automatically group images by days
  1813. FeatureC12=Automatically group images by rating
  1814. FeatureC13=Basic Sorting
  1815. FeatureC14=Sorting using EXIF fields
  1816. FeatureC15=Hide/Unhide photos
  1817. FeatureC16=Set protection from viewing hidden files with password
  1818. FeatureC17=View photos as slideshow with basic transition effects (3)
  1819. FeatureC18=View slideshow with set of elegant transition effects (27)
  1820. FeatureC19=Customizable status bar with supporting EXIF fields
  1821. FeatureD1=Basic image editing features
  1822. FeatureD2=Extremely fast autofix multiple images (>200 image per sec)
  1823. FeatureD3=Undo quick edit at any moment without damaging original files
  1824. FeatureD4=Advanced image edit features (sharpen, levels, photo effects)
  1825. FeatureD5=Red eye reduction
  1826. FeatureD6=Crop preset sizes
  1827. FeatureD7=Keep original files safe after editing
  1828. FeatureD8=Batch rename multiple images
  1829. FeatureD9=Additional templates for "batch renaming" feature
  1830. FeatureE1=Send photos to email with optimizing for file size and photo size
  1831. FeatureE2=Copy/Move files using "Resize on the Fly" and "Convert on the Fly" features
  1832. FeatureE3=Creating web-galleries with standard template
  1833. FeatureE4=Creating web-galleries with set of elegant photo gallery templates
  1834. FeatureE5=Record (Burn) photos to CD or DVD
  1835. FeatureE6=Send photos to a mobile phone
  1836. FeatureF1=Easily preview and print individual photos, and contact sheets
  1837. FeatureF2=Print contact sheet
  1838. FeatureF3=Print popular formats 5x7, 8x10, etc.
  1839. FeatureF4=Add border and date to the images during printing
  1841. [Tips]
  1842. Tips1=Press [Ctrl], drag the mouse to and from the target point on the image for the smart zoom.
  1843. Tips2=Drag Header-Bar buttons horizontally to quickly rearrange PicaJet panels.
  1844. Tips3=Press Tab to quickly maximize/minimize the workspace.
  1845. Tips4=You can rotate images during a slideshow by pressing the ">" or "<" keys.
  1846. Tips5=You can quickly import images from Explorer by dragging them to the PicaJet workspace.
  1847. Tips6=You can select several categories by holding down the Ctrl key.
  1848. Tips7=Use Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2 or Ctrl + 3 to add photos from a Camera, Files or a CD/DVD.
  1849. Tips8=You can quickly remove a image from all categories by assigning the "Unassigned".
  1850. Tips9=You can quickly rate images by pressing 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 keys on the keyboard.
  1851. Tips10=You can quickly display the "Import from Files" dialog by double-clicking any empty area on the workspace.
  1852. Tips11=You can quickly enhance selected photos by pressing "A" on the keyboard.
  1853. Tips12=You can quickly e-mail selected photos by pressing Shift + "E" on the keyboard.